The Community Association - SMCA
A voluntary organization of residents who work together to maintain and improve the quality of life in our neighborhood.
Open to all property owners and residents in Stonewall Manor without regard to race, religion, creed, or national origin.
Membership in SMCA and payment of our annual dues is voluntary.
SMCA has published by-laws governing the election of board members and the annual general membership meeting.
Manor Mail, an email group, reaches residents quickly to relay important information and also serves as an effective way to share information of interest to our neighbors.
Each year our association collects modest dues, publishes newsletters, and provides an updated Directory of Residents.
The association also advocates before local and state officials on issues affecting Stonewall, including land use, transportation, public safety issues, tax matters, and zoning concerns. We are a member of the Fairfax County Federation of Civic Associations and are part of the Providence District Council.