The Community Association - SMCA

  • A voluntary organization of residents who work together to maintain and improve the quality of life in our neighborhood.

  • Open to all property owners and residents in Stonewall Manor without regard to race, religion, creed, or national origin.

  • Membership in SMCA and payment of our annual dues is voluntary.

  • SMCA has published by-laws governing the election of board members and the annual general membership meeting.

  • Manor Mail, an email group, reaches residents quickly to relay important information and also serves as an effective way to share information of interest to our neighbors.

  • Each year our association collects modest dues, publishes newsletters, and provides an updated Directory of Residents.

  • The association also advocates before local and state officials on issues affecting Stonewall, including land use, transportation, public safety issues, tax matters, and zoning concerns. We are a member of the Fairfax County Federation of Civic Associations and are part of the Providence District Council.


The Communiqué